Sorry, I don't speak portugese
Ok, you have potential.
You did a good job but I would like to see you think of more original ideas.
Sorry, I don't speak portugese
Ok, you have potential.
You did a good job but I would like to see you think of more original ideas.
ass hat
Weebl and Bob r0xx0rs my b0xx0rs !!!
I love Stabby Mcgee and all your other movies. Exellent work!
rack your brain some more...that wasn't annoying,just loud...and if you really did make an annoying flash,don't you think it would get blammed? unless people like being annoyed these days...
Your lack of judgement is atrocious.
not bad
very made little sense,but not in a bad makes you wonder what he's going to do next...
Jim Carry is on fire!!! And he's Canadian. I've got a great idea for the next one, ***SPIDERMANISONFIRE***!!!!
Very nice
Everything was good,so I won't waste time going into detail,but one thing bothered me...arn't you pronouncing Tifa's name wrong? She was named after something called the "Tifanet" (one of the ten pulses of life,this particular one represents love and kindness)I kind of thought it was pronounced like "Teefa" but you said "Tiffa" and it sounded really stupid.Maybe I'm wrong though.I like the hidden scenes(chocolate materia!!!).
I just sat through a boring and very bad impersonation of a boring and very gay villian to hear a joke that wasn't funny.I don't want to sound like a jerk,but that just was a waste of effort...maybe instead Spiderman should try to order a burger,but instead they give him a plate of spagetti!!Now THAT would be FUNNY!!!LOL!!And Spidey would say "Dammit,now I'll have to buy a new croquet set..." ROFL!!!HAHAHAHAHA!!!!*snort*
Ritalin is your friend, you sad hyper person, you.
Hey thanks,I'll try that.You need to edit the text a little,the grammar and spelling is rough and seems a bit rushed..The Buster sword's handle isn't that red,it's just reddish brown,but who cares?If you actually made a flash movie with these kind of graphics it would be on the front page for weeks!..Whatever happened to Fighter Maker? know what's wierd?I can draw characters that I make up no problem,but I always mess up on characters already existing,even if I've known them for a long time,like Cloud.
Yea i can just draw sumthin by looking at it and make it perfect, i can do the same with things i make up because all i draw is people and figures. i i did kinds rush it because i wanted to get it outa the way so i could start other projects.
Think for yourself, question authority.
sleepy head
Night's Plutonian Shore
Joined on 5/24/04